Commissioner, Pct.1

Commissioner, Pct.3

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Commissioner, Pct.2

Commissioner, Pct.4

County Judge

Regular Meeting, August 26, 2024 9:30 AM


Enrique Moreno County Courthouse

Judge Alicia R. Chacón County Commissioners Courtroom

500 East San Antonio Room 303 El Paso, Texas 79901

If you have questions or need additional assistance, please contact us at (915) 546-2215


Website address: http://www.epcounty.com

Agendas are posted online at: https://epcounty.primegov.com/public/portal

For the meeting broadcast schedule, go to: https://www.epcounty.com/_meetings.htm

To view live video webcast: https://www.youtube.com/@elpasocountycommissionerscourt


Members of the public are welcome to participate and address the Commissioners Court during any meeting. To participate in public comment by telephone, please call: 888-835-7276 or 888-8 EL PASO. Members of the public may also participate via videoconference by visiting: https://www.epcounty.com/public-comment.htm


This meeting may include one or more Commissioners that will participate by videoconference, and El Paso County employees that will participate by videoconference, which is allowed pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.127. A quorum of the Commissioners Court will be physically present at 500 East San Antonio Room 303, El Paso, Texas 79901. A member of the Commissioners Court who is presiding over the meeting will also be physically present at the location listed above. The meeting is open to the public during the open portions of the meeting, and the Commissioner participating by video conference shall be visible and audible to the public for as long as the Commissioner is able to participate.



All matters listed under the Consent Agenda will be considered by the Commissioners Court to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless members of the Court or persons in the audience request that specific items be moved from the Consent Agenda to the Regular Agenda for discussion prior to the time the Commissioners Court votes on the motion to adopt the Consent Agenda.

All matters listed on the Consent Agenda and Regular Agenda may be discussed in Executive Session at the discretion of the El Paso County Commissioners Court following a verbal announcement, if an appropriate exception to the Texas Open Meetings Act is applicable.


Please place all electronic devices on silent mode to reduce disruption of the meeting.















Approval of the Minutes of the regular meeting of August 19, 2024.  

Betsy C. Keller, Chief Administrator, County Administration, 915-546-2215



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Interlocal Agreement between El Paso County and the City of El Paso, Texas for Animal Services necessary for the mutual advancement of the health and general welfare of the citizens of all jurisdictions, from September 1, 2024, through August 31, 2025. Funding in an amount not to exceed $219,779 is available in GF-ANIMALCTRL-ANML IMPOUND FEE. (Contract No. 2024-0122)

Crystal Reyes, Interim Director, Animal Welfare, 915-273-3470



Pursuant to the Texas Local Government Code, Section 115.021, audit and settle all accounts against the County shown on the attached listing and direct the payment of those accounts.

Barbara Parker, County Auditor, County Auditor's Office, 915-273-3262



Approve amendment No. 41 to the County of El Paso’s 2023-2024 operating budget. This budgetary amendment will increase Special Revenue by $67,244.00, increase Grants by $2,374,258.00, thus increasing the overall budget of $640,079,830.99 to $642,521,332.99.

John Sarah, Director, Budget and Finance, 915-546-2262



Approve and authorize the use of County general funds to temporarily pay for grant-funded personnel and operating expenses in the amount of $273,968 from September 1, 2024, through November 30, 2024, or until pending State grant awards are received and accepted. Funding is available in GF-GADM-XFER OUT-GRANT MATCH.

John Sarah, Director, Budget and Finance, 915-546-2262



Approve and authorize the County Judge to electronically sign the Second Amendment to the Office of the Governor’s Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) grant #3923003 amending the budget to update the Contract Compliance Specialist position. Funding is available in SG-CRELPRC23-OPERATING EX.  (Contract 2024-0651) 

Irene Gutierrez, Executive Director, Community Services, 915-273-3485



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the 1st Amendment to the Migrant Long Distance Transport Agreement with Misioneros Inc. for long-distance charter services to individuals encountered by the Department of Homeland Security extending their service period through September 30, 2025. Funding is available in SG-GHUMANIT23-OPERATING EXP and SG-GSHELTER23-OPERATING EXP.  (Contract No. 2024-0671)

Irene Gutierrez, Executive Director, Community Services, 915-273-3485



Approve and authorize the transfer of funds in the amount of $6,000 from SR-RECMGMTPRES-OPS EQUIPMENT to SR-RECMGMTPRES-MAINT-SOFTWARE to pay for the licensing for a fraud software.

Delia Briones, County Clerk, County Clerk's Office, 915-546-2071



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Subrecipient Agreement between El Paso County and the University of Texas El Paso (UTEP) for the research and evaluation component of the Innovations in Reentry Initiative: Building System Capacity and Testing Strategies to Reduce Recidivism grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance with a retroactive term beginning October 1, 2020, and ending September 30, 2025. Funding in the amount of $99,954 is available in SG-REENTRY21-OPERATING EX. (Contract No. 2024-0281)

Catherine Jones, Director, Criminal Justice Coordination, 915-273-3353



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Subrecipient Agreement between the County of El Paso, Texas and the University of Texas at El Paso for research and evaluation of the Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance FY23 Swift, Certain, and Fair Supervision Grant Program from August 25, 2024, through September 30, 2027. Funding in the amount of $100,015 is available in SG-GSCFPROG24-OPERATING EXP. (Contract No. 2024-0561)

Catherine Jones, Director, Criminal Justice Coordination, 915-273-3353



(Postponed 8/19/24) Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Contract Service Agreement between the County of El Paso and the following service provider participating in the Border Prosecution Unit (BPU) initiative (Grant #2283712) from September 1, 2024, through August 31, 2025, LaToya Scott Robinson. (Contract No. 2024-0640)

Bill D. Hicks, District Attorney, District Attorney's Office, 915-546-2059



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the First Amended Contract Service Agreement between the County of El Paso and the following service provider participating in the Border Prosecution Unit (BPU) initiative (Grant #2283712) from September 1, 2024, through August 31, 2025, Melissa Hightower. (Contract No. 2024-0700)

Bill D. Hicks, District Attorney, District Attorney's Office, 915-546-2059



Rescind the Commissioners Court Order of June 10, 2024, Item No. 4H to approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Memorandum of Agreement between the Fort Bliss Army and Air Force Exchange and El Paso County for placement of a County Kiosk at the Freedom Market Place from June 10, 2024, through June 10, 2026. (Contract No. 2024-0444) Further, approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Memorandum of Agreement between the Army and Air Force Exchange Service and the County of El Paso on behalf of the El Paso County Domestic Relations Office for a Kiosk in Freedom Market Place (ARPA Project No. 1260) to provide pertinent community information to the Ft. Bliss Community for a 2-year term upon date of final signature. Funds are available in SG-ARPLAN21-CAPOUTLAYS. (Contract No. 2024-0639)

Brian Stanley, Executive Director, Domestic Relations Office, 915-834-8200



(ARP Project No. 1371) Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the El Paso County American Rescue Plan Act Notice of Funding Opportunity Subrecipient Agreement Amendments with the following community partners and agencies: PHIX (2024-0427), Candlelighters of El Paso (2024-0658), Project Arriba (2024-0667), El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank (2024-0669), La Posada Home (2024-0673), and Paso Del Norte Children’s Development Center (2024-0689). Funds are available in SG-ARPLAN21-OPERATING EX.

Roberto Ransom, Director, Economic Development, 915-546-2177



Pursuant to Texas Tax Code Sections 352.1015, 352.102(a)(2) and 351.101(a)(4), approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Way-Out West Fest HOT Event Grant Award Service Agreement with Rave Marketing & Events for the encouragement, promotion, improvement, and application of the arts while benefiting the tourism and hotel industry by attracting visitors on September 28, 2024, in the amount of $30,000. Funds are available in SR-TOURPROM-ART15-ADVERTISING. (Contract No. 2024-0678)

Roberto Ransom, Director, Economic Development, 915-546-2177



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Joint Election Services Contracts with the City of Socorro (2024-0527), Fabens Independent School District (2024-0530), Town of Clint (2024-0531), Canutillo Independent School District (2024-0654), and the Tornillo Independent School District (2024-0662) for the General Election to be held on November 5, 2024. The entities will reimburse the County for services rendered. Funds will be deposited in SR-ELECTSVC-ELECTIONS NON-CTY.

Lisa Wise, Elections Administrator, Elections, 915-546-2154



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Change Order between the County of El Paso, a political subdivision of the State of Texas (“County” or “Owner”) and Control & Equipment Company of El Paso, Texas. The Change Order is to amend and modify the Supplemental Contract between the County and Contractor relating to Purchase and Install the HVAC Control System Upgrades for the Downtown Detention Facilities, and any applicable addendums. Funds are available in CP-TN23B-DDF-RENOV-HVACCONTROL. (Contract No. 2024-0577)

Robin Sully, Director, Facilities Management, 915-546-2009



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Fixed Price Construction Contract between El Paso County, Texas and Trane US Inc. (the "Contractor") to Purchase and Install a Water Cooled Helical Rotary Chiller at the County of El Paso Downtown County Annex in the amount of $222,324.20. Funds are available in CP-REPLACE24-FAC-DWTANNX-HVAC. (Contract No. 2024-0582)

Robin Sully, Director, Facilities Management, 915-546-2009



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Fixed Price Construction Agreement between El Paso County, Texas and Johnson Controls Security Solutions LLC. (the "Contractor") to Purchase and Install One VRF 12-Ton AC unit at the County Family Youth Service Center Facility.  Funding is available in CP-REPLC24-FAMILYYOUTHRENOV. (Contract No. 2024-0624)

Robin Sully, Director, Facilities Management, 915-546-2009



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the agreement between the County of El Paso and The Will-Burt Company. Funding is available in CIP24-ITD-CAPOUT-IT EQUIP in the amount of $20,388.00. (Contract No. 2024-0612)

Art Nevarez, Director, Information Technology, 915-273-3301



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the agreement between the County of El Paso and Motorola Solutions. Funding in the amount of $ 857,924.07 is available in CP-REPLACE24-RADIO-EQUIPMENT. (Contract No. 2024-0614)

Art Nevarez, Director, Information Technology, 915-273-3301



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the agreement between El Paso County and Lexipol, LLC for the Corrections Policy Management Software. Funds are available in GF-ITD-MAINT/REP-SOFTWARE in the amount of $68,756.00.  (Contract No. 2024-0631)

Art Nevarez, Director, Information Technology, 915-273-3301



Rescind the Commissioners Court Order of April 8, 2024, Item No. 4Q to approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between El Paso County, on behalf of the El Paso County Juvenile Probation Department and the Lubbock County Juvenile Probation Department for post-adjudication secure correctional facility residential treatment services from June 1, 2024, through July 30, 2027, in the per diem amount of $202.86. Funding is available in account GF-JUVDETAIN-DETAINEE-OTHER.  (Contract No. 2024-0246)

Rosie Medina, Chief Officer, Juvenile Probation, 915-273-2036



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the El Paso County Juvenile Probation Department and Lubbock County Juvenile Probation Department Post-Adjudication Secure Correction Facility Residential Treatment Services Interlocal Cooperation Agreement from September 1, 2024, through August 31, 2025. Funding is available in TJJD DSA RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 2024. (Contract No. 2024-0650)

Rosie Medina, Chief Officer, Juvenile Probation, 915-273-2036



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the El Paso County Juvenile Probation Department and Ward County Juvenile Probation Department Post-Adjudication Secure Correction Facility Residential Treatment Services Interlocal Cooperation Agreement from September 1, 2024, through August 31, 2025. Funding is available in TJJD DSA RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 2024. (Contract No. 2024-0688)

Rosie Medina, Chief Officer, Juvenile Probation, 915-273-2036



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Memorandum of Understanding by and between the County of El Paso and El Paso Community College (EPCC) for the use of Ascarate Golf Course for adult and junior golf courses with Mike Smith, PGA golf professional. The term of the contract is from September 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025, at a pay rate of $45.00 per youth student and $69.00 per adult student. Funds will be deposited in GF-GOLFCOURSE-LESSONS. (Contract No. 2024-0468)

Timothy Fulton, Interim Director, Parks and Recreation, 915-771-2380



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign Memorandum of Understanding by and between Cathedral High School and the County of El Paso Public Works/Parks and Recreation Department for use of the Ascarate Golf Course for student’s golf practice with a maximum of 10 students per day Monday through Friday and tournaments from August 15th, 2024, through May 31, 2025, at a pay rate of $2,750 and a pay rate of $21 per player per tournament. Funds will be deposited in GF-GOLFCOURSE-GREEN FEES. (Contract No. 2024-0508)

Timothy Fulton, Interim Director, Parks and Recreation, 915-771-2380



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign Memorandum of Understanding by and between San Elizario Independent School District (SEISD) and the County of El Paso Public Works/Parks and Recreation Department for use of the Ascarate Golf Course for student’s golf practice with a maximum of 10 students per day Monday through Friday and tournaments from August 15th, 2024, through May 31, 2025, at a pay rate of $2,750 and a pay rate of $21 per player per tournament. Funds will be deposited in GF-GOLFCOURSE-GREEN FEES. (Contract No. 2024-0585)

Timothy Fulton, Interim Director, Parks and Recreation, 915-771-2380



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Memorandum of Understanding by and between the County of El Paso, Texas and Ysleta Independent School District (YISD) for the use of the Ascarate Park Golf Course for school practice with a maximum of 10 students per day, Monday through Friday and tournaments from August 15, 2024, through May 31, 2025, at a pay rate of $2,750 per high school golf team and a pay rate of $21 per player per tournament. Funds will be deposited in GF-GOLFCOURSE-GREEN FEES. (Contract No. 2024-0636)

Timothy Fulton, Interim Director, Parks and Recreation, 915-771-2380



Approve and authorize the transfer of funds in the amount of $75,000 to cover the cost of Christmas Lights and Displays for the Lights on the Lake in December 2024. Funds are available in GF-PRKS&RECADM-CONTR SVC-GEN. Further, authorize the reallocation of funds from GF-PRKS&RECADM-CONTR SVC-GEN to CP-REPLACE24-ASCPK-LIGHT DÉCOR.

Timothy Fulton, Interim Director, Parks and Recreation, 915-771-2380



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Partnership Agreement with El Paso Community Action Program Project BRAVO to form a partnership to jointly apply for the Environmental Protection Agency Community Change Grant (CCG).  There is no cost to the County. (Contract No. 2024-0608)

Michael McElroy, Director, Planning and Development, 915-273-3330



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the first amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with DigDeep right of water, which grants an extension of time to complete the water and wastewater projects for the El Paso County Colonias. (Contract No. 2024-0609)

Michael McElroy, Director, Planning and Development, 915-273-3330



(ARPA Project No. 1094) Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between El Paso County and the University of Texas-El Paso for a community-centered environmental health risk assessment in the amount of $200,000. Funding is available in SG-ARPLAN21-OPERATING EX.  (Contract No. 2024-0634).

Michael McElroy, Director, Planning and Development, 915-273-3330



Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Interlocal Agreement Project Development Agreement for the International Border Crossing Strategic Plan Non-Federal Match with the Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority for local match participation for the production of an international border crossing strategic plan in the amount of $90,000. (Contract No. 2024-0635)

Michael McElroy, Director, Planning and Development, 915-273-3330



Pursuant to Texas Local Government Code §232.023, approve and authorize the acceptance, filing and recording of the BABA Unit Two Subdivision plat.

Michael McElroy, Director, Planning and Development, 915-273-3330



Pursuant to Texas Local Government Sections 232.028 and 232.029, approve and authorize the issuance of certification regarding compliance with applicable plat requirements as provided on the attached listing.

Michael McElroy, Director, Planning and Development, 915-273-3330



Rescind the Commissioners Court Order of August 12, 2024, Item 4U on the Consent Agenda: Pursuant to section 118.131 of the Texas Local Government Code, approve and authorize the County Judge to sign an order setting reasonable fees for the Sheriff and Constable services effective January 1, 2025. (#5376-OP) Further, approve and authorize the County Judge to sign a corrected order setting reasonable fees for Sheriff and Constable services effective January 1, 2025, pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Section 118.131. (#5376-OP)

Richard Wiles, Sheriff, EPCSO, (915) 538-2006



GRANT MODIFICATION - Approve and authorize the County Judge to e-sign the Emergency Food and Shelter Program Local Recipient Organization (LRO) Certification E-Signature (803600-014) for grant award of $7,738.00 for mortgage assistance. (Contract No. 2024-0642)

Irene Gutierrez, Executive Director, Community Services, 915-273-3485



GRANT AWARD – Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the FY2025 Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Planning Assistance Project Grant Agreement (PGA) in the amount of $270,000, beginning September 1, 2024, to August 31, 2025.  No County match is required.  (Contract No. 2024-0660)

Michael McElroy, Director, Planning and Development, 915-273-3330



GRANT AWARD – Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the FY2025 Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Federal 5311 Formula Rural Areas Public Transportation Project Grant Agreement (PGA) from September 1, 2024, through November 30, 2025, in the amount of $2,984,231. Match funding in the amount of $1,050,345 is required, of which $525,173 is required in FY2025.  Funding is available in GF-FED TRANSIT25-GRANT MATCH. (Contract No. 2024-0661)

Michael McElroy, Director, Planning and Development, 915-273-3330



GRANT AWARD – Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the FY2025 Rural State Public Transportation Project Grant Agreement (PGA) with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) from September 1, 2024, through August 31, 2025, in the amount of $585,993. No County match is required. (Contract No. 2024-0665)

Michael McElroy, Director, Planning and Development, 915-273-3330






Approve and adopt a resolution designating September 6 - 8, 2024, as SoldierCon Days in El Paso County, Texas.

Carlos Leon, Commissioner, Precinct 1, 915-546-2014









Receive public comment, both proponents and opponents, on the proposed property tax rate for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 for the El Paso County Hospital District.

R. Jacob Cintron, President & CEO, University Medical Center/EPCHD, 915-521-7600



Discuss and take appropriate action to adopt the 2024 Property Tax Rate for the El Paso County Hospital District d/b/a University Medical Center of El Paso.

R. Jacob Cintron, President & CEO, University Medical Center/EPCHD, 915-521-7600



Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the El Paso County Hospital District d/b/a University Medical Center of El Paso Fiscal Year 2025 Operating and Capital Budgets.

R. Jacob Cintron, President & CEO, University Medical Center/EPCHD, 915-521-7600



Pursuant to the Texas Local Government Code § 114.023, 114.024, 114.025 and 114.026, accept the attached presentation and the interim financial report for the month ended July 31, 2024. The interim financial report is located on the internet at: http://www.epcountytx.gov/auditor/publications/monthlyreports.htm.

Barbara Parker, County Auditor, County Auditor's Office, 915-273-3262



Discuss and take appropriate action on the Fiscal Year 2024 – 2025 budget for El Paso County.

John Sarah, Director, Budget and Finance, 915-546-2262



Receive public comment, both proponents and opponents, on the proposed property tax rate for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 for El Paso County.

John Sarah, Director, Budget and Finance, 915-546-2262



Pursuant to the Property Tax Code, § 26.05(a), adopt a tax rate for El Paso County.

John Sarah, Director, Budget and Finance, 915-546-2262



Approve and authorize the County of El Paso 911 District FY2025 Proposed Budget.

Ricardo A. Samaniego, County Judge, County Judge's Office, 915-546-2098






Discuss and take appropriate action to appoint Commander Jerome Washington, to the E911 Enhanced Communication District Board of Managers to fulfill the unexpired two-year term ending July 31, 2025.

Betsy C. Keller, Chief Administrator, County Administration, 915-546-2215






Discuss and take appropriate action regarding entering an agreement with El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to provide grant match for FY2025 Federal Connecting Communities and Neighborhoods Grant and potential ownership of the I-10 Downtown Deck Project. (#5528-OP)

Ricardo A. Samaniego, County Judge, County Judge's Office, 915-546-2098






Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the implementation of the El Paso County American Rescue Plan Act Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Portfolio.

Jose M. Landeros, Director, Strategic Capital Development, 915-546-2159



Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the proposed reallocation of capital funding in Tax Note 2022 and Tax Note 2023 Series A&B.

Jose M. Landeros, Director, Strategic Capital Development, 915-546-2159






Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign a Possession and Use Agreement for Transportation Purposes with additional payment of independent consideration with the Texas Department of Transportation for an irrevocable right to possession and use of the County’s property for the purpose of constructing a portion of Highway No. US 62/180. (Contract No. 2024-0591) (Precinct 1)

Michael McElroy, Director, Planning and Development, 915-273-3330





Only the members of the Commissioners Court have a right to attend an executive session,

except that legal counsel must be present if the executive session is held pursuant to

Government Code section 551.071. In addition to legal counsel, Commissioners Court may

include in executive session certain officers and employees if it finds that (1) their

participation is necessary to the matter under consideration; (2) their interests are not

adverse to the county, and (3) their presence will not waive the attorney client privilege.

Generally, the Chief Administrator, Budget Executive Director, County Clerk's

representatives, and County Auditor's Office representatives attend the closed session items

based on the enumerated criteria, and certain other persons may attend based on the above-listed

criteria or as otherwise provided by law.



Discuss findings regarding persons necessary in Executive Session.

Betsy C. Keller, Chief Administrator, County Administration, 915-546-2215



Discuss litigation styled Courthouse News Service v. Joanna Staton, et al; Cause No. 4:24-CV-00368; County Attorney case number 0092-24-LD, pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071.

Michael Gomez, Assistant County Attorney, County Attorney's Office, 915-273-3247






Discuss and take appropriate action regarding litigation styled Courthouse News Service v. Joanna Staton, et al; Cause No. 4:24-CV-00368; County Attorney case number 0092-24-LD.

Michael Gomez, Assistant County Attorney, County Attorney's Office, 915-273-3247